
Respect is a fundamental value here at Stringer. Mutual respect between staff and students creates an atmosphere that allows students to explore ideas and express their opinions without fear of criticism. We treat everyone’s differences and views with equal respect, encouraging diversity and a tolerant, open-minded view of society. We create a safe and inspiring place to learn and create a community of learners who respect, value and learn from staff and students. The positive attitude of students to learning stems from the mantra, “work with anyone and respect everyone”. Students at Stringer value other people’s ideas, values, work and their contributions and this makes for a positive learning environment.

We provide a supportive environment for our students – one in which each student is recognised as an individual and supported according to their needs. Our pastoral structure means that each student has a tutor who remains with them throughout their five years at Stringer. Tutors are at the heart of each child’s learning; over the years, they get to know, listen to, nurture and inspire the students under their care. They help to monitor their academic progress as well as their personal and social development. Students are also supported by a Head of Year and a non-teaching pastoral manager, who are overseen by the head of lower or upper school. This means that each child has a supportive network that helps them to feel safe and happy.