Term dates and times

School Term and Holiday Dates (NB. These may be subject to change). Click HERE for the Brighton & Hove Council Schools’ Dates

Attached below are the Dorothy Stringer term dates, including our inset days: 

2024/2025 – DS School Term Dates 2024/25

Please note: INSET dates are for Dorothy Stringer School only - other schools' INSETs may be different.


Tuesday 23 July – End of academic year, early closure 12.30

Thursday 22 August – GCSE results day


Monday 2 September – School closed for Inset day

Tuesday 3 September – School open for Year 7 and peer mentors only

Wednesday 4 September – School open for Year 7 and Year 8 only

Thursday 5 September – School open for all year groups

8.40am – 8.50am Registration
8.50am – 9.50am Lesson 1
9.50am – 9.55am Transition time
9.55am – 10.55am Lesson 2

10.55am – 11.15am Break

11.15am – 12.15pm Lesson 3

12.15pm – 12.35pm Lunch/ tutor time – upper school

12.35pm – 12.50pm Lunch
12.50pm – 1.10pm Lunch/ tutor time – lower school

1.10pm – 2.10pm Lesson 4
2.10pm – 2.15pm Transition time
2.15pm – 3.15pm Lesson 5