Safeguarding at Dorothy Stringer
At Dorothy Stringer School we strive to be a place where students, staff, helpers, families and other visitors will be made welcome and comfortable and where we will treat each other with respect.
We believe that all children and young people have the right to protection from neglect and abuse and that their welfare is of paramount importance. Dorothy Stringer School is a place where learning and personal development takes place in a climate of trust and confidence and where we value everyone’s unique contribution to our community.
We are committed to safe recruitment and selection procedures to ensure that all staff and volunteers have been appropriately screened prior to appointment, and to the provision of appropriate child protection training through the staff induction programme and within continuing professional development opportunities.
Our Ethos
We believe that our school should provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment that promotes our school values and the emotional, mental health and wellbeing of the individual child.
We recognise the importance of providing an environment within our school that will help children feel safe and respected. We recognise the importance of enabling children to talk openly and to feel confident that they will be listened to. We recognise the need to teach children the skills they need to stay safe and to ask for help if they need it.
We recognise that all adults within the school, including permanent and temporary staff, volunteers and governors, have a full and active part to play in protecting our students from harm.
We will work with parents to build an understanding of the school’s responsibilities to ensure the welfare of all children, including the need for referrals to other agencies in some situations.
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024
Every year we conduct a Safeguarding audit and have the Brighton and Hove child protection officer/safeguarding lead, to conduct external audits as well.
Operation Encompass
Dorothy Stringer School is one of the many schools in Brighton and Hove that is taking part in Operation Encompass. This is a joint project with Sussex Police which started in January 2019. The project provides early reporting to schools of any domestic abuse incidents involving children (incidents in which a child was present, ordinarily resides at the incident location or with an involved party).
We know that children and young people can be significantly affected through witnessing or being exposed to domestic abuse and this operation will allow our school to better support our students and their families. A nominated member of school staff, known as a Key Adult, will be trained to liaise with the police. Our Key Adult is Giles Ward, Head of Lower School, and the Deputy Key Adult is Cassie Dale, Head of Upper School. They will be able to use information that has been shared with them, in confidence, to ensure that the right support is available should it be required. We are keen to offer the best support available to our students and we believe this is going to be extremely beneficial for all those involved.
Additional information about Operation Encompass is available at
Information about a wide range of local services for families is available at
If you have any concerns or questions then please contact our Key Adults and they will be happy to discuss this further.
Safer Schools App
At Dorothy Stringer we have teamed up with the Safer Schools App to support our parents, students and staff.
The online world can be a bit overwhelming at times, but it is important we understand what our children are doing online so we can help make them safer. The Safer Schools App aims to help with this by providing parents, students and staff with up-to-date advice and support around the online world. The App is designed to support and protect children by educating and empowering them at school and at home. Once students, parents and staff have downloaded the App they get access to information that is relevant to them and receive tips and advice on how to keep them safer online.
Information about how to download the app and log in can be found on the parent and student SLG. If you have any questions, please contact Giles Ward, our Designated Safeguarding Lead at:
More information about Safer Schools can be found on their website: Welcome – Safer Schools (